Surprising Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits
Cut the sweet treats to Reduce Wrinkles When it comes to developing wrinkles, sweet sweets, sun exposure, and smoking are regarded to be...
2023 SANCA ‘Kick Your Habit’ Campaign
The 2023 SANCA ‘Kick your Habit’ campaign runs from June 26 to June 30. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the complexities of...
World No Tobacco Day
The 31st of May is observed globally as World No Tobacco Day. This annual event highlights the dangers of tobacco use, the business...
Women & Substance Misuse
Women face unique challenges when it comes to substance use due to: Sex—biological differences. Gender—differences based on the...
Reasons Why Women's Mental Health Requires More Attention
Understanding how women's mental health concerns vary from men's is crucial when discussing the significance of providing such treatment...
The Impact of Substance Misuse: Addiction & The Brain
Your brain is who you are. It’s what allows you to think, breathe, move, speak, and is your own personal “mission control.”...
Is There Any Evidence That Associates The Elderly With Substance Misuse?
Answer: Yes. According to research, the non-medical use of prescription drugs among women, as well as overall alcohol abuse, is on the...
It's Time To Curb Binge Drinking
What are the effects of binge drinking? Accidents and falls are prevalent while intoxicated, since intoxication impairs coordination and...
World Heritage Day – 18 April 2023
People around the world commemorate their cultural heritage on a daily basis by living lives that reflect who they are and where they...
World Health Day – 7 April 2023
April 7th is observed annually as World Health Day. It's an opportunity to highlight global health concerns and encourage action. How to...