Did you know alcohol is the most often consumed substance worldwide?
It is also the most often used substance among teenagers and young adults, bringing significant health and safety dangers. Surprisingly, the average age at which a teenager has their first drink is 14.
As a parent/guardian, you have a significant impact on your child's decision to drink or not. That why it is important to do your best to educate yourself on the risks of alcohol and make it known that you do not condone underage drinking.
If you decide to drink, model responsible drinking behaviour. It is more likely for a child to binge drink if they have a parent/guardian who does the same. You may avoid conveying the wrong message by celebrating and unwinding without alcohol this holiday season. Here are some helpful suggestions:
When your adolescent goes out with friends, be sure to communicate your expectations and rules, and include regular check-ins with your teen.
Keep an eye on any gatherings held in your home. In the case of underage drinking in your house, learn more about social hosting laws and what they entail for your personal accountability under these laws.
Prevent making alcohol accessible to your child or their friends.
Assure your adolescent that they may contact you to be picked up at any time.
Children between the ages of 11 and 14 are exposed to around 1,000 alcohol advertisements every year. Discuss what you see and assist your child in putting the alcohol messages they receive from peers and the media into context.
Remember that effective communication with your adolescent or young adult does not always have to feel as though you're giving them the third degree. Maintain your composure, relax and follow these recommendations to guarantee that your teenager hears what you're saying - and vice versa.